Legal Notice of INOSOFT GmbH

Version 1.04
As per 2022-02-22

Responsible for the content and owner of the domain

Bünder Str. 194
D-32120 Hiddenhausen
Phone: +49 5221 1666-02
Fax: +49 5221 1666-50
E-Mail: info(at)

Managing director: Jens Klocke (Dipl.-Inf.)

Register court: Bad Oeynhausen trade register
Company registration number: HRB 6645

VAT ID: 125358653

Contentwise responsible person: Dipl.-Inf. Jens Klocke (address like above)

No liability can be accepted for the accuracy of the publications and links.

Copyright and registered trademarks Copyright © 1994 - 2021 by INOSOFT GmbH. All rights reserved.
INOSOFT® and VisiWin® are registered trademarks of INOSOFT GmbH. Microsoft®, Visual Basic®, Visual Studio®, Expression Blend®, Silverlight® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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The external links contained in these pages lead to third-party suppliers. The respective supplier is responsible for the appropriate content.
We would like to point out that we do not adopt third-party content as our own, and explicitly disassociate ourselves from it. Any third-party pages have been checked for any content relevant to criminal law or other violations of rights and liberties within reasonable limits. If any violations of law become known such links are immediately removed.

Photo Credits Tablet #54179378 ©biaze, Smartphone #53810410 ©biaze, Training Course #209439497 ©kasto, Man at Phone #53201333 ©goodluz, Conclusion of Contract #23519511 ©pressmaster, Presentation #82722297 ©kasto, Hands #307576629 ©Me studio, Woman on Desk #466047061 ©Andrey Popov, Work Life Balance #141593985 ©adam121, Plant keyboard #427756353 ©troyanphoto, Printing machine #53029092 ©silvano audisio, Warning light #89808178 ©wittybear, Security IoT #140531253 ©wladimir1804, Labority #240748870 ©Gorodenkoff, Cans #277303494 ©Viewfinder, Chocolate production #297028256 ©Evgeny, Factory worker #388675390 ©Parilov, Foil rolls #442013046 ©Aleksandr Matveev, Ampoules #549929928 ©SweetBunFactory, Compliance #309211911 ©Eti Ammos, Smart industry control concept #806225929 ©panuwat, Abstract arrow direction #527030718 ©natrot, Machine and conveyor belt #259982023 ©phonlamaiphoto, PLC #511228735 ©WETECHOPS, PLC #843281031 ©Gravisio Production Line #51039832 ©06photo, Hand with Sparks 1775414408 ©Dmitrii D Panel #155147393 ©ugurhan


Bünder Str. 194
D-32120 Hiddenhausen
Phone: +49 5221 1666-02
Fax: +49 5221 1666-50

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